Members will work together to improve the lives of San Bernardino County children through communication, coordination, and cooperation.
We envision strong, sustainable systems that ensure good outcomes for children of San Bernardino County.
The purpose of the Children’s Policy Council is to improve coordination, planning, communications and cooperation among children and youth-serving agencies. To achieve its goals, the Children’s Policy Council will facilitate collaboration amongst its members and utilize the Children’s Network to organize activities to meet these objectives.
As the Directing Board of the Children’s Network, Children’s Policy Council has the following functions:
- Provide administrative direction to the Children’s Network regarding goals and objectives of the Network and specific tasks to be accomplished.
- Ensure collaboration and countywide planning for the provision of children’s services.
- Identify those agencies that have a significant joint responsibility in providing services to children and recommend improvements in those services.
- Develop a Strategic Plan for children to be submitted to the Board of Supervisors every three years.
- Identify critical children’s issues within the County and appoint committees to study and recommend solutions.
- Review funding recommendations and forward to the Board of Supervisors for Child Abuse Prevention funds.
- Weigh in on the County platform regarding legislation affecting children’s issues.
- Recommend additional grant applications, funding opportunities, and projects that will benefit children to the Board of Supervisors for approval.
- Align all projects and initiatives with the Countywide Vision.
The Children’s Policy Council will be composed of the department heads or designees of County agencies providing services to children or administering such programs as well as representatives from outside the County government structure including, but not limited, to the following:
1. A member of the Board of Supervisors*
2. Department of Behavioral Health*
3. Human Services – Assistant Executive and Officer*
4. Child Care Resource Center*
5. Children and Family Services*
6. Children’s Fund, Inc.*
7. Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)*
8. District Attorney*
9. Inland Counties Regional Center, Inc.*
10. Preschool Services Department*
11. Presiding Judge, Juvenile Court*
12. Probation Department*
13. Public Defender*
14. Department of Public Health*
15. San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools*
16. Transitional Assistance Department*
17. Children’s Advocacy Group*
18. Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino*
19. Sheriff’s Department
20. Loma Linda University Medical Center
21. First 5 San Bernardino
22. Department of Child Support Services
23. United Way/211
*denotes voting members