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Understanding Behavior in Children Workshop

Dorothy Inghram Learning Center 670 E. Carnegie Dr., San Bernardino, CA, United States

Explore how trauma, mental health, and developmental disorders impact children's behavior.


37th Annual Children’s Network Conference

DoubleTree Ontario Airport Hotel 222 N Vineyard Ave, Ontario, CA, United States

This year's conference will provide 15 educational workshops that focus on educating and increasing awareness efforts to reduce the rates of child abuse and neglect in San Bernardino County.
Registration Flyer


Fentanyl Safety, Awareness, and Response

IEHP Dr. Bradley P. Gilbert Center for Learning and Innovation 9500 Cleveland Ave., Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Awareness and education on Fentanyl.


Mentoring Task Force Lunch and Learn

Register Now: Thinking about mentoring a youth in your community but you don’t know where to start? One in three young people are growing up without a mentor. This is the “mentoring gap” in San Bernardino County. For young people who face a variety of risk factors that could...

Trafficking Awareness Walk

Rancho Cucamonga 12271 Foothill Blvd., Rancho Cucamonga, CA, United States

A gathering and walk to raise awareness of human trafficking.


Rancho Cucamonga Human Trafficking Sumposium

Central Park 11200 Base Line Rd., Rancho Cucamonga, United States

The Rancho Cucamonga Human Trafficking Symposium will offer workshops relating to human trafficking in the following domains: Health and Wellness, Prevention, Education and Public Safety.


Becoming a Better Mentor: Strategies to Be There for Young People Session 6- Facilitating Group Interactions

Facilitating Group Interactions Virtual training series of 12 sessions facilitated by Doreen Ivery from Children’s Network via Zoom. Register Now: Becoming a Better Mentor: Strategies to Be There for Young People is a free 12 session webinar series. This valuable resource guide is designed by MENTOR National for...